Take control of your online reputation

A reviews platform to enhance your online presence and master customer satisfaction.

Opinio Assist

Get authentic positive reviews, fast

Your customers don't want to spend 5 minutes coming up with the words to get their thoughts across. With Opinio Assist, you can make it easy for them to leave a review and for you to get the feedback you need to grow your business.

Supercharge positive reviews.
Customers often want to leave a review but don't know what to say. With Opinio Assist, you can guide them to leave a review that highlights the best parts of your business.
Shape your online reputation.
Target the keywords that matter most to your business and let Opinio Assist do the rest. You'll get more reviews that mention the things you care about.
Unlimited tokens.
We don't limit the number of tokens you can use. Customers can leave as many reviews as they want, and you can get the feedback you need to grow your business.
Consumers check Google Reviews before purchasing
Increase in rating when business responds to reviews
Improvement in local SEO with a 4+ star rating


Pricing plans to suit the needs of you and your business.

Choose the plan that best suits your needs and budget.



Automated responses tailored to each customer.


Buy plan
  • Automated responses tailored to each Google Review
  • Unlimited tokens
  • Daily reports on Google Reviews
  • 48-hour support response time


Boost your online reputation with the help of Opinio Assist.


Buy plan
  • 10 free QR code tags to link to your Opinio review page
  • Opinio Assist to facilitate positive reviews
  • Access to Opinio Dashboard for complete review visibility
  • Boost your average rating by dealing with negative reviews privately
  • 24-hour support response time


Take complete control of your online reviews.


Buy plan
  • All of the features in Opinio Boost
  • All of the features in Opinio Response
  • 1-hour, dedicated support response time